Surname Inquiries

Surname inquiries will be posted in alphabetical order based on the first surname in the inquiry. Eventually, this page may have to be split into several pages as the list gets longer. If you want to post an inquiry that is not pertaining to surnames, visit the General Inquiry Page.

As documented within our privacy policy, if comments are made in response to an inquiry made by you where the commenter requests direct communication, we will not release your contact information, but will forward his/hers allowing you to decide whether to continue the conversation. With that said, we would ask that if you receive information that might further someone else's genealogy research, please update your inquiry with a new comment containing that information.

Surname Inquiries

Interested in information about a particular surname...

What should we call you?

Thanks for your submission. Once you click the submit button and a moderator has had a look and confirmed the appropriateness of this submission it will be displayed on this page, again thanks!