Surname Inquiries
Surname inquiries will be posted in alphabetical order based on the first surname in the inquiry. Eventually, this page may have to be split into several pages as the list gets longer. If you want to post an inquiry that is not pertaining to surnames, visit the General Inquiry Page.
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List of Surnames (A --> Z)
I am looking for Henry Andrews, or any of his descendants. I know very little about this man, except that I believe he was born to my great grandfather and his first wife. My great grandfather is William George Andrews, b. abt 1884 in England. In his obituary in April 1963, the Stouffville newspaper stated he was survived by a son, Henry Andrews of Bracebridge.
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Read More...Hello, My GGG Grandfather Alexander Bailey and his wife Julia lived in Bracebridge , he owned a Grist Mill, the Victoria Hotel, as well as a store . He was also a postmaster for Bracebridge as well. My GGG Grandmother Julie/Julia Bailey is buried in St. Josephs Roman Catholic Cemetry in Bracebridge as well. Alexander drowned abt 1871 in the area . I wonder if there would be any newspaper articles or obituary notices for them in your newspaper archives. I would appreciate any information you may be able to help me with. Thank You Sincerely Dianne Sauve.
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Read More...Mary Eleanor Coleen Fish is the daughter of George Fish and Maud Alice Buchanan - I would like to find out more about her lineage. She was born in Parry Sound on Aug 11, 1927. She just died on Jan 31, 2020. I am having trouble finding more info about her parents and grandparents
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Read More...I want to know about the surname Barla ,I want to know their region, cast, and origins of the surname
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Read More...I'm trying to trace Edward Niles Aho (born 1902, Port Arthur) that may or may be the Edward Aho that lived in this area at least between 1962 and 1974 based on voter lists and was buried in the Knox United Church Cemetery. Any information and leads would be appreciated
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Read More...Researching the Woods family (my mother's maiden name). Have located Simon Peter Woods in Parry Sound married to Annie McClelland. Would like more information on where he lived.
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