A General Inquiry
Looking for burial location for Kirby Austin b. 28 Aug 1924 d. 12 Jun 2008. Marjorie Irene (Brook) Austin b. 30 Dec 1929 d. 21 Dec 2000. Both lived & died in Huntsville ON. Kirby from Novar ON and Marjorie from Etwell ON. I have checked with Huntsville cemeteries and they tell me they have no record of them there. I have information for all Austins in Perry Twp, which includes Novar, and they are not there. I checked for Etwell Twp and it appears there is only a very small cemetery there, probably no longer active. Their children were baptised in St. Andrews/Novar United Church. Marjorie's parents who lived in Etwell for a very long time are buried in Hutcheson Memorial Cemty in Huntsville. Kirby's parents are buried in St. Andrews/Novar United Church Cemty. I have their obituaries but neither says where they were being interred. Anyone know anything about this?
Carol Stevens
I was unable to email the address you gave.
I did talk to one of the oldest members of the Austin family. She does not live in the area now so does not remember Kirby’s funeral.Kirby’s brother Mervin has also passed. But Mervin’s wife still lives in Huntsville. Her name is Nitetes Austin (not sure of spelling.) She would know if you are able to locate her.The cemetery in Novar has been closed to burials for several years now so unlikely not there.If it didn’t give a burial place in Kirby’s obit, it is a possibility that he was cremated and his ashes scattered.I will be at the cemetery office myself this week so will check there, just to be sure. And if I can find Mrs. Austin I will ask her.Hopefully something will come up.
Judy Barrette-Flint
Great! Hope you find out where they are buried. I am Kirby’s 2nd cousin once removed. Please respond to my email at jbflint@worldline.ca.
Carol Stevens
I live in Perry Township and know some of the Austins. Will check with them and see what I can find
Carol Stevens