A Surname Inquiry
Searching for details/information for Winifred (Minnie) Anderson (nee Jones) born Liverpool England 1883, married Charles Anderson November 1906 Brunel Township.
Thank you
Muskoka, Parry Sound Genealogy Group
Searching for details/information for Winifred (Minnie) Anderson (nee Jones) born Liverpool England 1883, married Charles Anderson November 1906 Brunel Township.
Thank you
Diane Shaw
1931 Canadian census is on Ancestry.com free.
Ancestry didn’t do much of a job with their AI re the census.Familysearch is also doing the census but it isn’t on line yet. I suspect they will do a better job than Ancestry. It is also on Canadian government site.
Diane Shaw
Frederick George Newlove, b 26 Aug 1881 Port Sydney, d/o Charles Frederick Newlove and Mary Jane Piggott.
Burial New Liskeard Valleyview Cemetery New Liskeard OntNEWLOVEIn memory ofFrederick George1881-1974The cemetery would have the name and address of the informant.You can view the headstone onhttp://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~murrayp/Jack Jones StaffordA possible?1940 census Grays Harbour WashingtonThere are 3 Staffords listed as stepson/daughter with a Ephraim Spjut, b Sweden and wife Ruby, 52, born Washington.One male Stafford is not named but is 25, one is male aged 21 but I cannot deciper whether is just says ‘son’ or whether it is a name [but not names John or Jones] and one female June aged 17.Children all born Canada.A possible?1921 census North Bay OntarioSTAFFORDRichard, 43, USA, immigrated 1901, managerEthel, b USA, 37, immigrated 1901Jack, 2, b Ont CanadaThere is something written beside ‘son’which I cannot decipher.Didn’t find any US draft card for him on familysearch but they may not all be transcribed yet.Unfortunately there were several air crashes in 1975 in Alaska. Try Google and see what comes up.
Bill Neelin
Diane: Again thank you for even more information.
I have tried several times to find Abraham Jones at 1383 Parthenais St using the 1921 census with no luck. As well as trying to find her sister in Erie Pa. without luck.I did find a WinnifredJones-Anderson/Carrier marriage and her parents match.As for Jack Jones Staford (there is only the one F) I have several immigration entries for him as a pilot for Air Canada and KLM after WWII as well as some marriage info. i do have a newspaper article about the plane crash in Alaska (due to bad fuel).I will have to do some more searching. Your 1921 census data on Jack is correct. I will have to see if I can get a copy of it.Again thank you, you have only perked my interest more.And wondering how you got the 1921 info on Jones and I did not.bill2004@mac.com
Diane Shaw
I found the passenger list records of Winifred’s siblings.
Arrival May 1914 at Montreal.JONESMary E, age is given as 18, but says she is married, going to father in Montreal but is a ‘wife’.I think this is mom.Samuel, 23Mary Elizabeth, 18Arthur Stanley, 15Sidney, 11All going to Montreal Quebec. No address given.June 1913 from Liverpool to MontrealJONES, Abraham, 58, printer, going to son Sam F Jones in Montreal.No address given.Now, at least you know they were in Montreal for sure.Entry return Canadian for Samuel Foster Jones, in 1920 is he is ‘going home’ to parents in Montreal. Address is the same as the above Montreal address.I did not find him on WW1 enlistments. The other two males listed are too young for the war.1901 census Lancashire Walton on the Hill EnglandJONESWinifred, servant, 19, b Liverpool.She is working for a John Sullivan who is a livestock salesmanShe married 3 Dec 1906 Brunel Muskoka to Charles Anderson.Don’t see any other marriages with Abraham and Mary listed as parents.FINALLY1921 census Montreal1383 Parthenais StJONESAbraham, 67, England, immigrated 1913, clerkMary E, 61, Eng, immigrated 1914Samuel, 30, EngMary E, 24, EngStanley, 22, EngMary Newton?, lodger, 22, EngThe name was transcribed as Jonson and Stanley was transcribed as Ronny.Have not found Winifred anywhere.
Bill Neelin
Thank you for the up date. Here is the information that I already have but the new information is most interesting.
Once again thank you very muchWilliam (Bill) NeelinOttawa OntI am doing some research and seem to have come to a dead end.Looking for WINNIFRED ANDERSON (nee JONES) AKA WINIFRED, MINNIEFather – Abraham JONESMother – Mary FOSTERborn 1883 Liverpool EnglandEmigrated to Canada c1906?Married Charles ANDERSON b Glascow 18 Nov 1881married – 21 Nov 1906He served in 122nd Overseas (Muskoka) Battalion CEF in WWI1911 Census – Brunel, Muskoka, OntarioCharles Anderson – 31Winifred Anderson – 28Henry Anderson – 3Kenneth Anderson – 2Elsie Anderson – 16 daysWilliam Riddle – 18 (boarder)On October 03 1921 WINNIFRED ANDERSON crossed the U. S. border at Buffalo NY to visit her sister, Annie CLEMENS, 334 W 6th St Erie PA. Father listed as Abraham Jones living at 1383 Parthenais St, Montreal Que.I could not find a Winnifred Anderson on the Canadian 1921 Censusnor a Clemens on the US censusor Abraham Jones in MontrealAlsoFREDERIK NEWLOVEFather – Charles NEWLOVEMother – Mary NEWLOVEborn – August 18811911 Census – Brunel, Muskoka, OntarioCharles Newlove – 63Mary Newlove – 69Frank Newlove – 28Charles Newlove – 37Marion Newlove – 31Frederick Newlove – 291921 Census Temiskaming, New Liskeard OntarioWellington StFred Newlove – 38 Roomer, LabourerAlsoJACK JONES STAFORDBorn: Bracebridge Ontario 20 November 1918Moved to US of A after 1920WWII pilot in Netherlands RCAF/USAF?Died in plane crash Fairbanks Alaska 17 Feb 1975Thank you for any help or assistance.
Diane Shaw
1911 census Brunel Muskoka Ont
ANDERSONCharles, Nov 1879, aged 31, b Scotland, immigrated 1883, gfarmerWinifred, Jan 1883, aged 28, b England, immigrated 1906Henry, Aug 1907, 3, OntKenneth, Dec 1908, 2, OntElsie, May 1911, 16 days, OntElsie’s birth registration gives mother’s name as Winifred Alice Jones.Also gives parent’s marriage date as 21 Nov 1906 Brunel Tsp.1921 census BrunelANDERSONCharles, 39, ScotlandHenry, 14, OntKenneth, 13Elsie, 10Muriel, 7Harold, 5Annie Seymour, mother, b ScotlandChildren all born Ontario. All Presbyterian.Charles is entered as married, not widowed.There is a tree on Ancestry.ca with this information:Winifred Carrier b 6 Jan 1883 UK, naturalized US 14 June 1957, Miami Florida. # 11250498.Death indexWinnifred Jones Carrierdied Oct 1968 Duval Florida USANY marriagesWinnifred Jones Anderson, aged 40, birth 1883, married 18 Oct 1923, d/o Abraham Jones and Mary Foster, spouse: Elwin Grant Carrier.File # 001004679..US Social Security 221-18-8642Winnifred Carrier, 6 Jan 1883 died 15 Oct 1968, Jacksonville Duval Florida USA.SSN issued Delaware – before 1951.Looks like she was gone by 1921.Canada -US boarder crossing at Buffalo NY October 1921.Anderson, Winnifred, 38, domestic, widow?, contact: Father Abraham Jones of 1383 Perthenas St Montreal Quebec.She was going to Erie Pennsylvania.Last permanent address was Toronto.Don’t think she was a widow as that family tree says Charles died a lot later than 1921.Don’t see her anywhere on 1921 census.