A Surname Inquiry
Benstead, Demarce, Thomas
Looking for Gladys Idella Mabel Demarce (nee Benstead) and Violet Bernice Lydia Thomas (nee Benstead) (she was called Bernice)
Muskoka, Parry Sound Genealogy Group
Looking for Gladys Idella Mabel Demarce (nee Benstead) and Violet Bernice Lydia Thomas (nee Benstead) (she was called Bernice)
1 comment
Diane Shaw
1945 voters list Muskoka – no person information given
DEMARCEMrs Gladys, FalkenburgShe is not listed on below family tree. Re family tree owned by Rebecca McNallBernice was born 1923 Holland Landing OntarioMarried 13 Feb 1943 to Delbert Thomas Divorced 17 Sept 1946 Michigan USADied 1970 no location given except Ontario. Child born 1946 Bracebridge Ontario died premature birth 15 Sept 1946. Three months premature. Named John Thomas. Other children listed as ‘private’ which means they are still alive. Parents: John Alfred [Jack] Benstead and Mabel Canon.