A Surname Inquiry


Doris M Grant

 February 15, 2021

I am wondering if there is any info on who CORBMAN’s POINT on FRANKLIN ISLAND a is named after....my maiden name is CORBMAN and I am the very last of the family in Canada. I did not know of this point/Franklin Island, so am very curious....I do know that Arthur Barrett CORBMAN & family lived in the area until about 1907 when the emigrated to the United States....I think he was a farmer but don’t where he may have had property. Any info greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Doris


  • Tami Corbman-Haley

    Hi Doris, my name is Tami Corbman-Haley my Great Granfather was Arthur Barrett Corbman. Unfortunately my cousin who gave me much information, passed a couple years ago. But I remember talking to you at one time. Arthur was originally born and raised on PEI My Grandfather was born in Montreal I believe. Email me pls.

  • Doris M Grant

    Allen, many thanks for your reply/info…but was the point named for your GGfather???
    Did he perhaps farm in that area??? I did know that the family emigrated to the USA…are you there or in Canada??? Could we discuss further via regular email???For clarity your GGfather Jacob and my GGfather Daniel were brothers who married sisters…Jacob married Amanda Jean WEEKS and Daniel married Almirante Mary WEEKS…all were from Prince Edward County, Ontario.Best regards!doris

  • Allen Barrett Corbman Jr.

    I am a descendant of Arthur Barrett Corbman. He is my Great Grandfather. He is buried on Taylor Island in Maryland. My fathers grandfather.

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