A Surname Inquiry


Judy Stockham

 February 6, 2016

As volunteers for the Lake of the Woods Museum and the Kenora Great War Project where we are researching and writing tributes for all who served in WW1 and lived in the area at some point, one fellow on our list is Emerson Farnsworth. Born in the Township of Brunel, after the war Emerson and his wife Ruby returned to Brunel. Emerson died on 1 April 1974 and I have both he and his 1st and 2nd wive's obituaries from the Huntsville Forester but neither say where their final resting place is, the name of the cemetery. I was hoping someone might be able to look it up to see where they are interred. ThanksJudy Stockham

1 comment

  • Judy Stockham

    request fulfilled, the couple were cremated, ashes scattered at their cottage on Red Pine Lake

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